Deburring machine change belt

top priory: always keep the compressing air connected and air on with a pressure minimum 0.6 BAR

1st step. remove the fixing bolt

2nd step: press the tension button, move the top roller down so you can remove the old belt and change a new one.

put the new belt inside the correction sensor rod, change belt must keep the belt arrow direction same to roller turning directions.

3rd step, tighten all bolts and pull the tension button to rise the top roller to provide belt tension again.

it’s done

video of how to:

belt directions:

Delivery of 224KJ02H

Delivery of window lock, Steel wire plug type window lock.

color black. after key turned, press the key button to plug the wire. without press, it can’t unplug.

Delivery of 224AL07A

Delivery of punching dies

this punching die contain lock bolt in the back side of die all, if first punching contain debries, it need punching second time, so second time need lock bolt to lock the position. so please use wisely.

Delivery pictures:

Packing pictures:


Delivery of punching dies, punching dies for aluminium profile hole punching.

puching dies for steel plate hole punching, oval holes, round holes punching. no need of CNC drilling and milling anymore. hole punching is easy and fast.

Install dies:

1st, please adjust punching ram to the lowest point. the lowest point should fit for the hight of punching die. clamp the handle rod by tighten the ram hole bolts, if your punching press donot have ram hole, then you can remove the handle and press in flat die.

2nd, always check the stroke distance, adjust the stroke height just fit for the punching material, if the steel panel is 15mm, make the stroke distance above16mm -20mm. donot adjust too many stroke distance incase the spring rubber breaks. we will provide 2pcs of spring rubber for replacement.

3rd,always check the punching head before punching

If the die has backing support, please measure the distance to the backing support,then the hole is in exact position.

testing for the steel plate panel punching.

Puching dies using tutorial,:

1st die, 0.008+0.015 two pcs of holes punching together, please the cutted aluminium profile to the position on the dies, then punching. as you don’t need profile cutting fuction, so you have to cut the pcs first, then place it in to the punching dies.

2nd, 0.0125, single die

3rd punching die for aluminium profile 0.007+0.009

4th die of 0.1205

5th die of 0.0475

6th, 0.6870+0.7775, left side is CNC cutted, right side is punched hole

7th, 0.7200 with punching rib

8th 0.6720, triangle hole

This die is high for your press, current height is 260mm, if the lowest point of your press can’t hold the die, please replace your press bed table 76mm to 26mm thickness or 30mm thickness. which you may adjust the height. so please note.

always adjust height as per your press.

testing punching

9th die 1.04 punching 12*60mm hole

10th die of 1.447, punching hole of 18*90 and 14*90mm, we provide two head for punching.

video of punching die

video of changing punching head: changing head is easy, just remove top 4bolts and hammer the head out, changing from 14*90 or 18*90mm head. then tighten the bolts.

after changed head, you have to change bottom base to fit for the hole, below is the video of changing base, change base, you have to hammer the 2 holding pins out, then untighten the 4 bolts.

then changing the base as per below video

after changed, then same way , tighten the 4bolts, and put in the two pins.

the base has front side and back side, there are marks on it, but you can distingush by the surface, the flat surface is alway front side to punching head, the chamfered surface is back side, please make sure the position is correct.

No. 11-13dies for 3holes of 4.294

after punched, left side is CNC milled, right side is punching, distance to side is changed from 7mm to 10mm .

The botton hole also changed from 12*25 to 17*25mm so the punching debris canbe fallen, otherwise, debris will stuck in the hole, unable to pull out.

a picture of our press, 80Ton semi-auto press.

punching video

Steel plate testing punching total 9 dies, we tested 16mm thickness 150mm width without problems.

Aluminium works in factory

More aluminium artifacts, advertising products ,metal crafts,Aluminum handicrafts

below is made for Military weapon exhibition in China

Below is for cladding works, aluminium wall panel, aluminium buff walls.

Policarbonate hollow panel

PC hollow panel, socket type, plug system easy installation.

Thickness from 30-50mm

width: 500mm maximum. length as per request.

Installation video:

Project pictures:

for outside door use or interior decoration. with LED light can provide a better looking performance.